Uses of Interface

Packages that use Projection
org.dishevelled.vocabulary A structured vocabulary is a description of concepts and their relations in a domain. 
org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple Simple implementation of the vocabulary interfaces. 

Uses of Projection in org.dishevelled.vocabulary

Methods in org.dishevelled.vocabulary that return Projection
 Projection Mapping.createProjection(java.lang.String name, Concept source, Concept target, java.util.Set<Evidence> evidence)
          Create a new projection in this mapping between concepts source and target with the specified name (optional operation).

Methods in org.dishevelled.vocabulary that return types with arguments of type Projection
 java.util.Set<Projection> Concept.getProjections()
          Return the set of all projections for this concept.
 java.util.Set<Projection> Mapping.getProjections()
          Return the set of all projections in this mapping.
 java.util.Set<Projection> Concept.inProjections()
          Return the set of in projections for this concept, that is those projections that have this concept as the target.
 java.util.Set<Projection> Concept.outProjections()
          Return the set of out projections for this concept, that is those projections that have this concept as the source.

Uses of Projection in org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple

Classes in org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple that implement Projection
 class SimpleProjection
          Simple implementation of the Projection interface.

Fields in org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple with type parameters of type Projection
private  java.util.Set<Projection> SimpleConcept.inProjections
          Set of in projections.
private  java.util.Set<Projection> SimpleConcept.outProjections
          Set of out projections.
private  java.util.Set<Projection> SimpleMapping.projections
          Set of projections.

Methods in org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple that return Projection
 Projection SimpleMapping.createProjection(java.lang.String name, Concept source, Concept target, java.util.Set<Evidence> evidence)

Methods in org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple that return types with arguments of type Projection
 java.util.Set<Projection> SimpleConcept.getProjections()
 java.util.Set<Projection> SimpleMapping.getProjections()
 java.util.Set<Projection> SimpleConcept.inProjections()
 java.util.Set<Projection> SimpleConcept.outProjections()

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