Package org.dishevelled.vocabulary

A structured vocabulary is a description of concepts and their relations in a domain.


Interface Summary
Assignable Marks an entity as being "assignable," in that it may be assigned to concepts in one or more domains for annotation purposes.
Assignment An assignment is a binary directional link between a concept and a so-called "assignable" entity, supported by evidence.
Authority An authority for a structured vocabulary domain, a mapping between domains, and/or assignments to concepts.
Concept A concept is a vocabulary word defined in a domain that has relations to other concepts present in the same domain, and has projections to other concepts in different domains through a mapping across domains.
Domain A domain provides a named space in which to define concepts and their relations to each other, and also to project concepts in different domains to each other through a mapping across domains.
Mapping A mapping is a binary directional link between a source and a target domain containing projections of concepts from the source domain to concepts in the target domain.
Projection A projection is a binary directional link between a source and a target concept from different domains linked together through a mapping, supported by evidence.
Relation A relation is a binary directional link between a source and a target concept present in the same domain.

Class Summary
AbstractAssignable Abstract class providing Assignable support.
AssignableSupport A class that can be used via delegation to provide Assignable support.
Evidence Evidence supports an assignment by reflecting the strength of knowledge used to create that assignment.

Package org.dishevelled.vocabulary Description

A structured vocabulary is a description of concepts and their relations in a domain.

Copyright (c) 2002-2004 held jointly by the individual authors. Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL).