AbstractAssignable - Class in org.dishevelled.vocabulary
Abstract class providing Assignable support.
AbstractAssignable() - Constructor for class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.AbstractAssignable
Create a new abstract assignable entity.
accession - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleConcept
Concept accession.
addAssignment(Assignment) - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Assignable
Add the specified assigment.
addAssignment(Assignment) - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.AssignableSupport
addAssignment(SimpleAssignment) - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleAuthority
Add the specified assignment.
addAssignment(SimpleAssignment) - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleConcept
Add the specified assignment.
addConcept(SimpleConcept) - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleDomain
Add the specified concept.
addDomain(SimpleDomain) - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleAuthority
Add the specified domain.
addEvidence(Evidence) - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleAssignment
Add the specified evidence.
addInMapping(SimpleMapping) - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleDomain
Add the specified in mapping.
addInProjection(SimpleProjection) - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleConcept
Add the specified in projection.
addInRelation(SimpleRelation) - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleConcept
Add the specified in relation.
addMapping(SimpleMapping) - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleAuthority
Add the specified mapping.
addOutMapping(SimpleMapping) - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleDomain
Add the specified out mapping.
addOutProjection(SimpleProjection) - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleConcept
Add the specified out projection.
addOutRelation(SimpleRelation) - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleConcept
Add the specified out relation.
addProjection(SimpleProjection) - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleMapping
Add the specified projection.
addRelation(SimpleRelation) - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleDomain
Add the specified relation.
Assignable - Interface in org.dishevelled.vocabulary
Marks an entity as being "assignable," in that it may be assigned to concepts in one or more domains for annotation purposes.
assignable - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.AssignableSupport
Assignable entity.
assignable - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleAssignment
AssignableSupport - Class in org.dishevelled.vocabulary
A class that can be used via delegation to provide Assignable support.
AssignableSupport() - Constructor for class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.AssignableSupport
Create a new support class meant to be subclassed.
AssignableSupport(Object) - Constructor for class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.AssignableSupport
Create a new support class that adds Assignable support to the specified entity.
Assignment - Interface in org.dishevelled.vocabulary
An assignment is a binary directional link between a concept and a so-called "assignable" entity, supported by evidence.
assignments - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.AssignableSupport
Set of assignments.
assignments - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleAuthority
Set of assignments.
assignments - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleConcept
Set of assignments.
Authority - Interface in org.dishevelled.vocabulary
An authority for a structured vocabulary domain, a mapping between domains, and/or assignments to concepts.
authority - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleAssignment
authority - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleDomain
authority - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleMapping


compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Evidence
Concept - Interface in org.dishevelled.vocabulary
A concept is a vocabulary word defined in a domain that has relations to other concepts present in the same domain, and has projections to other concepts in different domains through a mapping across domains.
concept - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleAssignment
concepts - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleDomain
Set of concepts.
confidence - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Evidence
Evidence confidence.
createAssignment(Concept, Assignable, Set<Evidence>) - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Authority
Create a new assignment maintained by this authority of concept to assignable, supported by evidence (optional operation).
createAssignment(Concept, Assignable, Set<Evidence>) - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleAuthority
createConcept(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Domain
Create a new concept in this domain with the specified name, accession, and definition (optional operation).
createConcept(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleDomain
createDomain(String) - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Authority
Create a new domain maintained by this authority with the specified name (optional operation).
createDomain(String) - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleAuthority
createMapping(Domain, Domain) - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Authority
Create a new mapping maintained by this authority between the specified domains (optional operation).
createMapping(Domain, Domain) - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleAuthority
createProjection(String, Concept, Concept, Set<Evidence>) - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Mapping
Create a new projection in this mapping between concepts source and target with the specified name (optional operation).
createProjection(String, Concept, Concept, Set<Evidence>) - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleMapping
createRelation(String, Concept, Concept) - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Domain
Create a new relation in this domain between concepts source and target with the specified name (optional operation).
createRelation(String, Concept, Concept) - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleDomain


definition - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleConcept
Concept definition.
degree() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Concept
Return the degree of this concept, that is the total number of relations, projections, and assignments linked to this concept.
degree() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleConcept
Domain - Interface in org.dishevelled.vocabulary
A domain provides a named space in which to define concepts and their relations to each other, and also to project concepts in different domains to each other through a mapping across domains.
domain - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleConcept
domain - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleRelation
domains - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleAuthority
Set of domains.


equals(Object) - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Evidence
Evidence - Class in org.dishevelled.vocabulary
Evidence supports an assignment by reflecting the strength of knowledge used to create that assignment.
Evidence(String, double, double) - Constructor for class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Evidence
Create a new evidence with the specified name, quantitative score, and confidence.
evidence - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleAssignment
Set of evidence.
evidence - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleProjection
Set of evidence.


getAccession() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Concept
Return the accession (an unique identifier) of this concept.
getAccession() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleConcept
getAssignable() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Assignment
Return the "assignable" entity of this assignment.
getAssignable() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleAssignment
getAssignments() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Assignable
Return the set of assignments for this entity.
getAssignments() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.AssignableSupport
getAssignments() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Authority
Return the set of assignments maintained by this authority.
getAssignments() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Concept
Return the set of assignments for this concept.
getAssignments() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleAuthority
getAssignments() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleConcept
getAuthority() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Assignment
Return the authority for this assignment.
getAuthority() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Domain
Return the authority for this domain.
getAuthority() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Mapping
Return the authority for this mapping.
getAuthority() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleAssignment
getAuthority() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleDomain
getAuthority() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleMapping
getConcept() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Assignment
Return the concept of this assignment.
getConcept() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleAssignment
getConcepts() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Domain
Return the set of all concepts in this domain.
getConcepts() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleDomain
getConfidence() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Evidence
Return a measure of confidence for the quantitative score, a p-value for instance.
getDefinition() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Concept
Return the definition of this concept.
getDefinition() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleConcept
getDomain() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Concept
Return the domain of this concept.
getDomain() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Relation
Return the domain of this relation.
getDomain() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleConcept
getDomain() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleRelation
getDomains() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Authority
Return the set of domains maintained by this authority.
getDomains() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleAuthority
getEvidence() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Assignment
Return the set of evidence supporting this assignment.
getEvidence() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Projection
Return the set of evidence supporting this assignment.
getEvidence() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleAssignment
getEvidence() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleProjection
getMapping() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Projection
Return the mapping of this projection.
getMapping() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleProjection
getMappings() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Authority
Return the set of mappings between domains maintained by this authority.
getMappings() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Domain
Return the set of all mappings for this domain.
getMappings() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleAuthority
getMappings() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleDomain
getName() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Authority
Return the name of this authority.
getName() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Concept
Return the name of this concept.
getName() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Domain
Return the name of this domain.
getName() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Evidence
Return the name of this evidence.
getName() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Projection
Return the name of this projection.
getName() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Relation
Return the name of this relation.
getName() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleAssignable
Return the name of this assignable entity.
getName() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleAuthority
getName() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleConcept
getName() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleDomain
getName() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleProjection
getName() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleRelation
getProjections() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Concept
Return the set of all projections for this concept.
getProjections() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Mapping
Return the set of all projections in this mapping.
getProjections() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleConcept
getProjections() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleMapping
getRelations() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Concept
Return the set of all relations for this concept.
getRelations() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Domain
Return the set of all relations in this domain.
getRelations() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleConcept
getRelations() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleDomain
getScore() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Evidence
Return a quantitative score reflecting the strength of this evidence.
getSource() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Mapping
Return the source domain of this mapping.
getSource() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Projection
Return the source concept of this projection.
getSource() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Relation
Return the source concept of this relation.
getSource() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleMapping
getSource() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleProjection
getSource() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleRelation
getTarget() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Mapping
Return the target domain of this mapping.
getTarget() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Projection
Return the target concept of this projection.
getTarget() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Relation
Return the target concept of this relation.
getTarget() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleMapping
getTarget() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleProjection
getTarget() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleRelation


hashCode() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Evidence


inMappings() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Domain
Return the set of in mappings for this domain, that is those mappings that have this domain as the target.
inMappings - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleDomain
Set of in mappings.
inMappings() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleDomain
inProjections() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Concept
Return the set of in projections for this concept, that is those projections that have this concept as the target.
inProjections - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleConcept
Set of in projections.
inProjections() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleConcept
inRelations() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Concept
Return the set of in relations for this concept, that is those relations that have this concept as the target.
inRelations - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleConcept
Set of in relations.
inRelations() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleConcept


Mapping - Interface in org.dishevelled.vocabulary
A mapping is a binary directional link between a source and a target domain containing projections of concepts from the source domain to concepts in the target domain.
mapping - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleProjection
mappings - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleAuthority
Set of mappings.


name - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Evidence
Evidence name.
name - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleAssignable
Name of this assignable entity.
name - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleAuthority
Authority name.
name - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleConcept
Concept name.
name - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleDomain
Domain name.
name - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleProjection
Projection name.
name - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleRelation
Relation name.


org.dishevelled.vocabulary - package org.dishevelled.vocabulary
A structured vocabulary is a description of concepts and their relations in a domain.
org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple - package org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple
Simple implementation of the vocabulary interfaces.
outMappings() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Domain
Return the set of out mappings for this domain, that is those mappings that have this domain as the source.
outMappings - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleDomain
Set of out mappings.
outMappings() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleDomain
outProjections() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Concept
Return the set of out projections for this concept, that is those projections that have this concept as the source.
outProjections - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleConcept
Set of out projections.
outProjections() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleConcept
outRelations() - Method in interface org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Concept
Return the set of out relations for this concept, that is those relations that have this concept as the source.
outRelations - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleConcept
Set of out relations.
outRelations() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleConcept


Projection - Interface in org.dishevelled.vocabulary
A projection is a binary directional link between a source and a target concept from different domains linked together through a mapping, supported by evidence.
projections - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleMapping
Set of projections.


Relation - Interface in org.dishevelled.vocabulary
A relation is a binary directional link between a source and a target concept present in the same domain.
relations - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleDomain
Set of relations.


score - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Evidence
Evidence quantitative score.
setAssignable(Object) - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.AssignableSupport
Set the assignable entity for this support class to assignable.
SimpleAssignable - Class in org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple
Simple implementation of the Assignable interface.
SimpleAssignable(String) - Constructor for class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleAssignable
Create a new assignable entity with the specified name.
SimpleAssignment - Class in org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple
Simple implementation of the Assignment interface.
SimpleAssignment(Authority, SimpleConcept, Assignable, Set<Evidence>) - Constructor for class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleAssignment
Create a new assignment maintained by the specified authority of concept to assignable, supported by evidence.
SimpleAuthority - Class in org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple
Simple implementation of the Authority interface.
SimpleAuthority(String) - Constructor for class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleAuthority
Create a new authority with the specified name.
SimpleConcept - Class in org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple
Simple implementation of the Concept interface.
SimpleConcept(Domain, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleConcept
Create a new concept with the specified name, accession, and definition in the specified domain.
SimpleDomain - Class in org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple
Simple implementation of the Domain interface.
SimpleDomain(Authority, String) - Constructor for class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleDomain
Create a new domain with the specified authority and name.
SimpleMapping - Class in org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple
Simple implementation of the Mapping interface.
SimpleMapping(Authority, SimpleDomain, SimpleDomain) - Constructor for class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleMapping
Create a new mapping with the specified authority, source domain, and target domain.
SimpleProjection - Class in org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple
Simple implementation of the Projection interface.
SimpleProjection(Mapping, String, SimpleConcept, SimpleConcept, Set<Evidence>) - Constructor for class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleProjection
Create a new projection in the specified mapping between concepts source and target with the specified name.
SimpleRelation - Class in org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple
Simple implementation of the Relation interface.
SimpleRelation(Domain, String, SimpleConcept, SimpleConcept) - Constructor for class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleRelation
Create a new relation in the specified domain between concepts source and target with the specified name.
source - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleMapping
Source domain.
source - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleProjection
Source concept.
source - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleRelation
Source concept.


target - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleMapping
Target domain.
target - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleProjection
Source target.
target - Variable in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleRelation
Target concept.
toString() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.Evidence
toString() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleAssignment
toString() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleAuthority
toString() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleConcept
toString() - Method in class org.dishevelled.vocabulary.simple.SimpleRelation


Copyright (c) 2002-2004 held jointly by the individual authors. Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL).