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dsh-vocabulary 1.1 :: Downloads | Javadocs | Checkstyle | Unit tests | Test coverage | Changes | Changelog

Changelog Report

Changelog Report

Timeframe: 30 days, Total Commits: 5 Total Number of Files Changed: 5

Date Author File/Message
2004-08-20 19:04:38 Michael Heuer

xdocs/changes.xml v 1.2

updated release date
2004-08-20 17:13:27 Michael Heuer

xdocs/index.xml v 1.5

using generics in examples
2004-08-20 17:13:05 Michael Heuer

project.xml v 1.8

adding versions and reports
2004-08-20 17:12:08 Michael Heuer

xdocs/style/dsh-stylesheet.jsl v 1.4

checkstyle and jcoverage cannot yet handle generics
2004-08-20 16:56:22 Michael Heuer

xdocs/changes.xml v 1.1

First checked in